I say a lot of things. Unfortunately, most of them don't make much sense. But hey, at least I try! And so today I will once again try to say something to all of you. And once again, I don't ask or expect you to agree with me. All I ask of you is to ponder over what I say. So without any further delay, here goes......
We all have some people in our lives whom we love. These usually tend to be the people that we are most concerned about, the people who are always on our mind. It is certainly good to have these people in our lives for without them life would seem purposeless. But often we are so lost in the thoughts of these people that we forget about the people without whom not only would life seem purposeless, but in fact become purposeless - these are the people who love us, unconditionally. These are the people who deserve our love and attention the most, but unfortunately get it the least. At this point, let me clarify that often the people who love us are also the people we love - I'm not saying that these two categories of people are mutually exclusive. But will you not agree that there are always some people in our lives whose love and concern for us is not reciprocated by us, at least not to the extent that it ought to be. For instance, our parents. If there is somebody in this world who will never leave our side, even when the best of our friends do, it is our parents. If there is somebody who will love you till the end of time, it is your parents. And despite being aware of this, we hardly ever express our love for them. To make matters worse, at times we pretend that we do not love them. We prefer to rather devote our love and affection towards the people whom we love. This is because we fear losing their love (read attention) if we don't constantly shower them with our attention. And all along, seldom, if ever, do we think about those who will love us all the same whether we care about them or not. In my opinion, this is human stupidity at its best. I am not advocating that we should break all ties with the people whom we love and stop caring about them. That would again amount to stupidity. All that I am saying is that we should not refrain from expressing our love for the people who love us. So if what I just said made any sense to you, then after reading this blog, please go and give your parents (and all other beautiful people in your life who love you unconditionally) a big hug and tell them how much you love them. It won't make any difference to you, but it will mean the world to them. And the next time you talk to your parents, just take a second aside to tell them how much you love them. Trust me, you can never say it enough!
On a personal note, I would like to dedicate this article to my parents - Mama and Papa, Thank You for everything that you have done for me. I love you more than words can describe. So Mama and Papa, if you are reading this, let me tell you that the smile on your faces means the world to me. So keep smiling, and once again Thank You.........for everything.